Monday, October 29, 2007

Day of the Dead

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Saturday I went to the Day of the Dead celebration at the National Museum of the American Indian. I go for the opening ceremonies, and had I not had to go somewhere else during the day, would have loved to stay for the closing.

What I love about the opening is the conch shells moaning into the mist (it's always rained when I've gone) and the drums beating a rhythm straight into my heart. It just feels so right.

The first time I went, a few years ago, it was pretty mystical. I had worked a couple hours first (yes, on a Saturday) and just as I crossed the street a car lost control ramming into a parked car that went up on the sidewalk where a street vendor jumped over his table just as the parked car was pushed into his wares. All of this happened just inches from me. Then the fog set in, so by the time I got down to the museum, you could barely see in front of you. The sound of those conches coming through the mist was amazing.

They have activities too, so I was able to paint a couple of simple skulls for my desk at work :)


Amel said...


I've never heard of this before, so it's all new to me. You were able to paint skulls for your desk at work? COOL!!!!!!!!!!! ;-D

You had such an experience a few years ago? WOW!!! Conch shells moaning into the mist...mmm...must be magical indeed! ;-D

Victorya said...

Ah, yes, Dios De Los Muertos, a day to celebrate and honor your ancestors, those who have passed. The skulls are plaster, not real. In Mexico they use sugar skulls and can get very elaborate. It's one of my favorite days in the city.

Amel said...

Oh yeah, I didn't know the skulls would be real ones he he he...Some people use sugar skulls? Never heard of that before. Interesting. You DO live in a VERY interesting city! ;-D

Victorya said...

one of the great things about NY is that, despite it being all of 12 miles long, there are so many cultures that flourish here! I love it.